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Posts tagged ‘acnetreatment’

Acne Treatment, Yes to Tomato. Trust or Trash?

Skincare is not always what it appears to be. Marketing deception comes in many sizes, shapes and with many promises. n this episode, Trina talks about a product called Yes to Tomato that uses "health tomatoes" as it's obvious marketing tool to instill a sense of health and safety. The product treats acne prone skin and the promise of "clear skin" is identifiable on the package. Trina's Toxic Talk is her opinion as to the legitimacy of their claims and how safe this really is for your skin and body.

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Cryotherapy- The Ultimate FREEZE For Your Healing!

Okay.  I am a runner and a yogi.  By the end of the week… I’m fatigued and inflamed!  I am need of some super healing!

Here is my solution:  Liquid Nitrogen.

liquid nitrogen

Want to reduce inflammation?  Speed healing?  Increase metabolism??? Increase energy?

With Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) the body is exposed to ultra-low temperatures (-200 to -290 F) for less than 3 minutes. As you enter the cryosauna, the sudden drop in temperature stimulates the cold receptors causing vasoconstriction, prompting the brain to transmit messages throughout the body. When you exit the chamber, blood is pumped vigorously around the body, which in turn enhances the oxygen supply and removal of toxins. The cold also triggers the nervous system to release feel-good endorphins. The body’s natural anti-inflammatory reaction to extreme cold is pain reduction.

This modality was first utilized in Japan in 1978 to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Studies conducted over the last two decades in Europe have established WBC as a powerful treatment for inflammatory disorders and injuries.

Professional athletes have discovered WBC as a powerful treatment to decrease recovery  time and increase athletic performance.


• Athletic performance
• Post-surgical recovery

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Burn up to 800 calories (shivering burns calories- I always shiver around 2 minutes!)
• Increased metabolism
• Sleep better
Better mood
• Increased energy
• Autoimmune disorders
• Skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis
and psoriasis
Improved skin elasticity- use with Infiniti and Beyond and/or C-ex Vitamin C Face Serum for amazing results!!  

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These
products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Benzoyl Peroxide: Trust or Trash

Benzoyl Peroxide, commonly used in commercial topical acne treatments.  I used it for years, but recently took a closer look at what it really does to the skin and the body.

Trina takes us through the chemical facts about what really happens to our face and body when we use Benzoyl Peroxide to treat acne.  Should you trust or trash benzoyl peroxide?  Trina will tell you the truth!

An effective acne treatment you can TRUST: Banished Blemish Serum

A unique and premium blend of organic jojoba oil infused with cayenne pepper, organic menthol crystals and a blend of essential oils specifically designed for acne and acne prone skin.  Banished is an effective blemish spot treatment option for those looking for a natural, Paleo alternative to toxic chemical therapies and treatments.

Essential oils have antiseptic, antibacterial, vulnerary (wound healing) and calming properties that help to treat and prevent acne. Essential oils are a more natural treatment to help manage acne.

Banished Primal Blemish Serum can:

  • Help to clear the infection
  • Reduce and control the amount of sebum produced
  • Minimize scarring
  • Promote and improve healing
  • Reduce redness and inflammation
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Help eliminate toxins
  • Diminish and help prevent whiteheads, blackheads and cystic acne

Teens with Acne- What To Do Naturally?

I have to share this story, because I get this question very frequently from concerned parents.

Teen and pre-teens with acne can be very devastated and the search for acne treatments often leads to commercial skincare with chemicals, skin irritants, benzoyl peroxide (skin irritant and cancer causing) and fragrances (also skin irritant, cancer causing, endocrine dysfunction, neurotoxin and reproductive dysfunction).  If you seek medical treatment, your options include prescription medications like accutane and antibiotics.

Please read the discussion I had with Samantha about her 11 1/2 year old daughter.
Dear Trina
I must start by letting you know that I love your products and their ingredients. I will have to admit, I took a break from them for awhile thinking I’d try something from a dermatologist that might heal my acne more quickly. Wow, what a waste of time and money. My face did not enjoy the harsh chemicals nor the stomach upset from the antibiotics:( 

I recently placed an order and cannot wait to receive it! Anyway, I’ve got a question for you about my daughter who noticed a few pimples on her forehead the other day. She used some Clinique powder to cover them up and now she has a ton more around that area. She is devastated and wants to use more powder to cover them up. Ugh!!!! I’m wondering if she had a reaction to the powder?!? Would you recommend she use the Bare Package to get her breakout under control. Here is a pic of her face. She is 11.5 and I’m sure puberty is on its way.

Hi Samantha,

Yeah- I’m glad to hear you are back! Yes, the Bare Package is the perfect place to start for her. It will help normalize her skin, and for kids, many times, it’s all they need. If she wants something to help heal the breakouts, the Banished Serum would help them heal quickly and without scars (not sure if you have any- but I would recommend showing her how to use it the first time and using less than one drop- especially since it;s above her eyes. Keep it away from the eyes because it contains cayenne pepper. If it gets in her eyes, it will sting for 15-20 minutes but will not hurt the eyes.)

If you have the Banished toner, she could spritz that on as well. Keep me posted and let me know how she does.


Hi Trina! I wanted to send you an update on my daughters face. After 8 days of using Bare, look at these results:) and the area above her right eye is a mole:) I am shocked at how well she healed up. THANK YOU!


*Photo is untouched

Yeah Samantha,
I am so proud!! I am a firm believer that commercial topical treatments and skincare are so loaded with skin irritants and chemicals that can be the cause (or contribute to) acne- especially in teens! I am so glad to hear it cleared her up!

This can also be true for adults that suffer from mild acne.  It is very possible that your acne is worsened or caused by the products you are using on your skin. I know when I stopped using commercial skincare and harsh acne treatments, and created my own line, my acne disappeared.  This will not be the case for everyone, and diet, hormones, environment, as well as stress also play a role in causing/aggravating acne.
Bare Face Package is a great options for kids, teens and adults who suffer from acne and want to ditch the chemicals. Sometimes, the chemicals cause our cells to dysfunction, become congested or mutated and acne or some other skin condition results.  Bare allows the cells of the skin to normalize, function properly, decongest and heal.
For a limited time, you can get 20% off the Bare Face Package and Banished Blemish Serum.  Use coupon code BARE at checkout through Wednesday December 10th, 2014 11:59 EST
**I only recommend the Banished Blemish Serum for pre-teens or teens with adult supervision.  Please read the warnings listed on the webpage. 
Thank you for choosing Fresh Made Skin-Food from Primal Life Organics.
I care about your health and your skin!!    

Paleo f(x) Review and Exciting News from the CaveGirl!


We are finally settled back in after a very exciting trip to Austin for Paleo f(x). Now that we are back home, we wanted to share some highlights of our trip!

The week leading up to Paleo f(x) had the Primal Life Organics team in overdrive. Despite the fact that we were making large batches of our products to take with us on the trip, designing our display, packing everything, and still making sure all of our orders were made fresh and shipped out, we somehow managed to create three new hair products!

We were very excited to take these new products to Paleo f(x), where we gave them to a few Paleo celebrities! So far, we have gotten good feedback and can’t wait to get these new hair products (100% Paleo of course!) to your doors too! Keep an eye out for the official release of our Primal Sea Salt Spray, Hair Spray, and Hair Serum within the next couple of weeks.

Okay, okay! I know, you want to hear all of the good stuff like who we met, what we loved, and what we learned.

On Thursday Night- I kicked off the event by attending the Pecha Kucha soiree that featured some tasty (and 100% Paleo) Hors d’oerves from Caveman Cafeteria.  Favorites were the Rock Shrimp Ceviche Coconut-Lime Marinade, Candied Bacon House Made with Organic Honey and Stuffed Artichoke Hearts Bruschetta!  Drinks for the evening were from Live Soda Kombucha and my new favorite brew, O mission– gluten free and totally worth it!  The Pale Ale is this Cave Girl’s favorite!  I’m definitely going to enjoy a few of these this summer!!

I was lucky enough to sit next to Elizabeth and Cameron, with EPIC Bars– do not hesitate to try the new Lamb bars!  I thought the Bison and Turkey were great- the Lamb is even better!  I also got to meet Amy Kubal, a Registered “Paleo” Dietitian and the ring leader of Robb Wolfe’s RD consulting team.  Amy has an amazing story to tell about her relationship with food, which you can read here.  It was a “don’t miss” event that I recommend if you get the opportunity to attend Paleo f(x) next year.

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